Run yah mout
Yea just run yah muthaphuckin mout scunt!!
Here are the gawd damn rules, internationally known, locally respected…… shit even universally accepted. Bottom line people should never let other people get under their fuckhole skin!! Not even for a brief moment and at times I will admit that shit is hard,
real fucking hard
I am human after all, not free from vulnerabilities. But me being me, I learn to let that shit go most days with a multipurpose *Snicker…..
Today was just one of those days, I wanted to tell everyone around me and I do mean every single one, no exceptions to “kiss my black muddafuccin ass”. From the scunts at the plantation, random silly ass text messages one some bullshit subject from cunts with nothing better to do, to just random clowns talking shit on de old social media networks, instaceleb, foolbook etc. Just a bunch ah overly sensitive fuckcakes that need to just chill!! Stop talking assyness for a gawd damn min!! Now I really don’t like to judge folks, since there is a place and a job for everyone, but even today dumb ass wenches at drive-through windows got on my ass nerves.
How fucking hard is it to get a food order right?
I was kind courteous/mannerly to you, how about you get my fucking food shit right you half a retard ass scunt!!….. shiiite!!!! So dedicated to the people who manage to get under my skin on this day Run yah mout while I find my fucking happy rasoul place and chillax. Just one of those days…..but yah know wuh the weekend is here!