Tagged: mistake

Dedication 1


To all the girls who “loved” me before. This week I had a long conversation about how much of an asshole I can be, yet I have so much potential to be a good...

Run yah mout 0

Run yah mout

Yea just run yah muthaphuckin mout scunt!! Here are the gawd damn rules, internationally known, locally respected…… shit even universally accepted. Bottom line people should never let other people get under their fuckhole skin!!...

No time to waste 0

No time to waste, No time to linger

No time to waste I had a random conversation today, with a brotha going through somethings that seem to be a constant reoccurring theme, that I seem to keep, no matter how I try...

Good Job Old Navy 0

Good Job Old Navy

Yes a damn good job Old Navy, this lady’s mama and the rest of her family must be so proud of her clowning/cooning ass in the latest Old Navy commercial. I am sure her...

Squares out your circle 0

Squares up out your circle

SMH ooooh really people? Really really interesting…. Turns out they’re some people who if they don’t get things popping their way, they will actually resort to absolute amateur, childlike tactics. That old saying the...

Say it again 0

Valentines Day

Valentines Day … Say What? It really makes me laugh sometimes when people ask you stupid questions, not a full laugh, more of a shaking your head, this idiot here, kinda laugh. I guess...

Guy Moments 0

Guy Moments

Guy Moments – Do You Want Me To Come Over Been there smh

Dating Jesus 0

Dating Jesus as you age?

Dating Jesus as you age ladies? Sigh… Once upon a time…  Ahhh how life/time changes….. You really know you’re getting older when most of the women you knew from back in the day, who...

Subway Surprise 0

Subway Sandwich Surprise

Subway Sandwich Surprise Today I walked into a Subways to grab a breakfast flatbread, specifically this was the subways inside the Wal-mart on lawrenceville hwy in Tucker, Ga. At first no one was behind...

No to Powder flinging 0

Powder flinging!!

No to Powder flinging!! Most definitely not one to promote or support violence at any Caribbean carnival throughout the Caribbean, Europe of North America, but hearing a mass playing Trini get a good solid...